youth of america


Christ Executive Officer Inc. was established in 2002 out of the beautiful state of Colorado as a non profit 501 (c) (3) organization.  Youth of America (YOA) is the youth division of CEO.  Welcome!

Providing youth practical tools to equip, educate, and empower this generation is our ultimate goal.  Informing the youth of vital matrix structure and understanding how to utilize resources to obtain goals in developing stronger communities is key for the youth’s future successes.

We offer a variety of programs that allow the youth of this generation to become equipped for future successes on their journey of life.

As you navigate this webpage we encourage you to realize the importance of collaboration and exercising your ability to stand with us during this epic time in history where we need to continue to develop positive programs, business models, and resources for the youth of America.

Cordially, YOA Inc. Team-

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All donations are tax deductible under IRS Tax Code 501 C 3




jeremy korgan & deniece korgan

We thank you for taking this opportunity to visit our social media platform.  From a 4 year business degree from an accredited university in Colorado, Corporate America, Strategic training from former judges, expert industry leaders in a variety of fields, establishing matrix and design for a variety of entities, to assisting local houses of worship throughout the U.S.A., as a consultant, clergy member, executive pastor assignments, guest appearances on TBN, and other Christian and Secular platforms, and blessed to be married to Mrs. Korgan the time now for YOAMOBI to move into the next season of Kingdom expansion has arrived.

My beautiful wife and I welcome you to embark on a season that we are 100% in agreement that will entail healing, peace, grace, and joy as you experience our Lords embracing visitation daily in your life.

stand with us today

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